I'll run your ass over, no problem. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Last Night's Tacos

Taco place of the week: Tacos Michoacan 

Lindley/White Oak

Stefan and I have been to this place once before, but as were driving back on Sepulveda with $7 total between the two of us (not including change) we decided what the hell, let's try it one more time. Last time we were there the meat was bit dry and there weren't very many condiments. What made me want to come back was their awesome '70s wallpaper. 

Excuse Stefan's head in my photo.

Anyway, I dig the wall paper and hope to have it in my own home at some point. But we were there for the tacos, so we ordered. When I was explaining to the guy at the counter that I didn't want any meat in my tacos, he told me I had beautiful colored eyes. I thanked him promptly and thought I would be misunderstood if I would have told him he had beautiful colored teeth. I really like yellows and browns, and his looked really good. Our order came not too many minutes later (we were the only ones in the place), and it looked pretty good this time. 

2 tacos al pastor, 2 carne asada tacos

2 vegetarian tacos for me

All six of the tacos were pretty delicious. As we were eating, more people started to filter in. Although the corner of the valley this place is on is pretty sketchy, it must get some business. For all six of our tacos they charged us all of six dollars, no tax or anything. So that was pretty cool. I ate mine with a lot of green salsa picante, which might have been overkill. By the end of our meal I drank over half of Stefan's water. 

insanely delicious taco, very picante salsa

yours truly, enjoying that insanely delicious taco

So far, Tacos Michoacan has come through for us. I'll go there again soon. If not for their amazing vegetarian tacos, then at least for their really sweet wall paper. And hardly anything can beat six decent tacos for six dollars. Except for that 12 pack of Pabst at Vons for $7. That's pretty sweet too, but I digress.....

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