I'll run your ass over, no problem. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

extra, extra, read some about it.

Life has been moving at a faster pace than usual for me, and as always I've had little time to devote to the things I actually enjoy doing. CVS has failed to come through as usual, but I've made some progress by going to the Dark Room on Reseda Blvd. The place charges a bit much, and they're kinda sassy sometimes, but its a cool place, and very convenient. They also offer a variety of photo-related services, and reviews on local restaurants if you ask the clerk where to go for lunch.

Right now I am in the middle of a new project which will have me pretty busy, and in Inglewood - two of my least favorite things in the world. But at least I'm working and will continue to do so through March, and I should consider myself lucky to at least be able to do what I like.

Here's some photos with brief explanations of where they came from. In the works is a transition to wordpress, more blog posts from more people, and some awesome reviews of local places to eat.

In the meantime, here's what the Dark Room did for me that CVS simply couldn't do, even after calling my special extension several times this week. They should fire the hostage negotiator they have on the line and just HIRE A NEW PHOTO TECHNICIAN, but you know...I can't always get what I want.

From the flying pig installation. 

Views over the Chatsworth Reservoir. Didn't know it existed until I actually went, and then later looked it up on google maps. The crazy shadow in the foreground is from a storm moving in on the SFV. Killed my photo, but of course I tried again. 

more chatsworth reservoir 

Dylan, and the top of my head. Dylan: one word for you. FAIL. But good job at getting yourself in focus. Sweet photo though.

Triple the sun through Triple the clouds through my triple image splitting filter. Nina, one's in the mail for you my dear. 

Wilbur Av from the bridge right before Ventura Blvd.

405 = number of new grey hairs I get every time I'm late and stuck in traffic on this damned thing. 

The 405 usually takes me to my sister's house. Sometime ago in February she had a Mardi Gras party. A few photos from that event: 

Party non-sense. I spy Jo dancing to what I hope was Sly and the Family stone, brought to the party by yours truly. 

These are all the good photos from this roll. More to come as soon as I can make another trip to the Dark Room. I've decided (in the last 10 minutes) I'm going to let CVS be, and just use the reliable and local Dark Room to develop my photos. Gotta support local independent businesses you know.

When I got this roll developed, I also brought in a black and white roll I shot during my stay in Etna. Most of the photos are of clouds and tress, so I selected a few of the most interesting. 

I really dig clouds. 

And with those words, I've run out of things to say on this post. I'm too caught up in other shit right now, but I'm sure by next time the flood gates of my mind will open and my fingers will set the keyboard on fire with the friction of my typing. 

Good night, I'm off to my happy place. 

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